Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others? Dr. Martin Luther King

Washtenaw United: Combating Poor Educational Outcomes Resulting From Adverse Traumatic Experiences
Many K-12 students live with food insecurity, housing and transportation issues, and, too frequently, physical or emotional abuse. That presents a barrier to positive educational outcomes. In this week’s "Washtenaw United," WEMU’s David Fair talks with student advocate and Adverse Traumatic Experiences master trainer Jason Gold about how best to identify and deal with the issues to change life trajectories.
Interview - What it means to be black and blue: African American police officers
Washtenaw County Sheriff Deputies Derrick Jackson, LaShayne Bynum, Eugene Rush, and Jeremiah Richardson, as well as Jason Gold from the Ann Arbor Police Department. Together they share their experiences on what it’s like to be African-American police officers in 2016.
Link to article and interview.
Link to article
The Saturday Six Pack With Mark Maynard, Episode 48
Link to interview​ - "Police segment"
Ways I Serve My Community
Police Officer, Educator, Volunteer, Advocate, School Board Trustee, Realtor, Facilitator, Board Member, Coach
Gold Community Service Reading Series:
"Reading to children, even before they can understand words,
teaches them to associate books with love and affection."
Our advocacy group, GEM, has launched our new Reading Series. As families struggle with "what to do during the time at home," we are offering a daily series of oral readings for all students, globally. Our intention is to provide 10-20 minutes of reading for elementary-aged children; 10-20 minutes of reading for middle school students, and 20-30 minutes for high school students.
Our intent is to 1) model good reading, 2) provide exposure to multicultural literature, 3) encourage critical thinking, 4) collaborate with parents in discussion of books, and 5) support alternative viewpoints from diverse authors.
From Jason
I am a retired City of Ann Arbor - Police Department Officer, Dexter Community Schools Trustee, Certified Master ACEs Trainer, who enjoys reading to all students K - 12. I am thrilled that my business partner and I will be sharing some of our favorites with you and your children. Tonight, I share Riley the Brave (a personal favorite) by Jessica Sinarski and illustrated by Zachary Kline. The audience intended is elementary (grades K-5).
#COVID aka Creating Opportunities VIDs
***I Do Not own the rights to these books.
Please consider ordering the books for your family***